1. Wooden learning blocks for children.
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    Bare Figures

    Thoughts on a 10+ year old side project of mine that just went offline.

  2. Reposting content from infrequently.org.

    Alex Russell puts into words what the popular phrase “Safari is the new IE6” really means. Insightful.

    This is not an exhaustive list, and each entry can block entire classes of applications from credibly being possible on the web. The real world impact is challenging to estimate. Weighing up the deadweight losses in start-ups not attempted and higher prices for small businesses who must pay to develop native apps seems a promising angle for economists to investigate.

  3. Reposting content from hey.com.

    Jason Fried:

    Our customers use Basecamp or HEY every day, we’re here for them 24/7 to help with anything. But when it comes to billing, one of the most sensitive concerns, if you’re forced to pay through Apple’s system, well, we can’t help you anymore. As a business owner who gives a shit, that’s shit.

    I wasn’t aware of the huge toll in-app purchases have on the customer experience. Makes Apple’s handling of the situation all the more vile. Mrs. Vestager, please step in.