Notes, page 2

Status updates and short notes.

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  1. On June 12 I asked @gRegorLove a question on Twitter. Today he responded, and he did so via his blog and with the help of webmentions, which pinged Bridgy to syndicate his response to Twitter. The result on Twitter is a usual conversation. After that I published my response to him. I also did this via my website, using the same mechanism that he used when he wrote his response to me.

    But I didn’t use the exact same mechanism: I forgot to use Bridgy to syndicate the response to Twitter and thus to his tweet, instead I replied directly to his website response. The result is that I accidentally shifted the conversation, which originated on Twitter, to our personal websites. Apart from having been an accident (and probably it is rather confusing for the conversation flow) I thought that this shows the underlying power of webmentions:

    • The ability to freely shift conversations between plattforms.
    • The ability to be in control of the conversation flow.
    • The ability to still being able to present the context of the conversation flow underneath the content it originated from.

    I’m still rather new to the Webmention and IndieWeb scene, but the underlying concepts and their implications speak to me 100 %.

  2. Still not able to let Bridgy post reactions to tweets (that don’t have the URL of my website in them) back to my webmention endpoint. Tried this in the help section but somehow it’s still not working. 🤷‍♂

  3. Slowly learning about webmentions and how to connect Bridgy with my ProcessWire website. Let’s see how it will unfold.